Adulting like a child

You want a Mrs. Potts tea set.  Everyone wants a Mrs. Potts tea set. You would swirl in a yellow twirly skirt and take the ultimate cosplay pictures and you, too, would create little gifs like this one at Eleanor Bridge. And you would be awesome.

Hogwarts Bonanza

Being a parent is a big responsibility.  You have to make sure that your kids eat healthy food, are reasonably clean, know how to convert decimals to fractions, don’t consume pieces of other children, sing the opening of Lion King at sunrises, and don’t go to school in their pajama pants. But the biggest responsibility you … Continue reading

Springfield is Tomorrowland

Springfield is Tomorrowland

One day, you’re sitting in the movie theater watching previws… and the next moment, you’re quite sure that Walt Disney works for MoDOT.  Only someone who dreamed up Tomorrowland would have ever, ever thought of making an intersection where the traffic just trades lanes for 30 feet.

Wear that Dark Pride

Wear that Dark Pride

Villainry is going couture now, as the folks at TeeVillain create limited-edition designs of pop culture’s most deliciously evil characters.  Disney icons are not forgotten, of course, as Maleficent, Snow White’s stepmother, and even the less murderous Jack Skellington have been highlighted.  If you spot your favorite horror hero on the release day, you can nab the … Continue reading

Hats off to you

Hats off to you

It’s October 6th, an uneventful day for most people, but Hatter Day for those of us in the know.  You could also celebrate this on June 10th, if you come from the part of the world where numbers work in mysterious ways (10/6 to you, too). The important point is to not mistake it with … Continue reading

Where the cars go for Halloween

Where the cars go for Halloween

Other than the trash compactor, what could scare a car?  They’re rough and tough and can replace almost any part that’s not on backorder.  Unless… they happen to meet a ghost car! The short “Mater and the Ghostlight” is usually buried by the many Disney Halloween specials that have accumulated over the decades.  This one has a … Continue reading

My Little Villains

My Little Villains

Show your villainous pride this month with’s papercrafts. The Disney-owned site has rolled out plenty of Halloween crafts for the season and pulled back some of their old favorites. The bowling set is simple enough for children to cut and tape themselves.  In fact, you don’t have to bowl with them at all, if … Continue reading